hey :) the name is amalina but im cool with mali.
or whatever nice. im pretty laid-back. im never serious. haha well yea so get annoyed. im a kid at heart, maybe a hippie too. talk to me. get to know me. only then you can judge me. :) roar!
kak izzat
January 2010
February 2010
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June 2011
Jan 1, 2010
rants and rambles
hehe ive got my writing boost, baby!
ive started my 2nd sem here in iium (sometimes it sounds cooler when you say iium instead of uia because umm... it sounds more international? lol. the fuck. so anyway...) last december. things have been pretty good so far :) alhamdulillah for that. im talking about academic-wise, though. haha. say what. classes have been cool and all that- i hope i'll be able to breeze em all. i am now taking abnormal psychology, intro to sociology, arabic 2, revelation as the source of knowledge, science of quran, english for occupational purposes, and halaqah 2. haha no no. im not taking a course to become an ustazah. people often think how radical iium seems to be. i think its just alright :) i kinda like it here. when i was in the states, there were a lot of things that i didnt know. so yeah. you can tell how grateful am i to become an iium-ian. eceh. haha. inshaallah. im calmer and happier here :) other than that, im planning on majoring in clinical psychology. and ive been doing some calculations hehe so ive like 3years of undergraduate + 1.5years of postgrad + 3years of doctorate = a psychologist at 28. bila nak kawen haha. jk! and ohh. im minoring in political science, too hehe who knows i might fall into my plan B of becoming a diplomat :p so yadayadayada. thats how my study seem to be like so far. lets talk bout boys. i must say that guys scare the hell outta me. i dont know why. especially those who are coming a lil bit too strong. theres this afghan guy, Z, who thinks he can buy me. hee. menakutkan. and theres this sweet average-joe, H, who never stop talking sweet. aww. but sorry. no. i prefer somebody that is worth the competition. a real catch. oh wait. i have one. haha. dah dah belajar, then tido. night xo |